Meet the Athletics and Wellness Director


Andriana’s Current Favourite Album:

Hit Me Hard and Soft by Billie Eilish

Andriana Hountalas (she/her)

Honours Applied Psychology in Human Behaviour |

About Me

Hi everyone! I am Andriana Hountalas, your Athletics and Wellness Director for the 2024-2025 year! This is my first year as an exec on MSS and I am so excited to be apart of this amazing team and make this year the best one yet for the Science faculty. This year, the Athletics and Wellness Team is passionate about promoting mental and physical health while fostering positive community at McMaster. I'm so excited for the many events that student affairs has planned like puppy yoga 🐶, formaldehyde 💃, and the MSS Walk Club 🚶. Overall, I am looking forward to being a part of the wonderful work that MSS does to enhance student experience and provide all necessary resources to contribute to your success! If you ever need me you'll probably find me drinking an Iced Chai Latte at HSL or Thode between my classes.


1. Encourage student engagement through increased social media presence, feedback forms, and polls.

2. Prioritize accessibility and run creative and unique events that appeal to large student audiences.

3. Encourage and promote physical and mental well-being on various platforms.


1. Introduce the MSS walk club where science students can meet monthly for mindful nature walks in the community.

2. Host puppy yoga and spin class alongside continuing the fall and winter sports tournaments.

3. Increase our focus on mental health and promote healthy study habits while continuing Wellness Wednesday posts.

Reasons to Contact Me

1. You're interested in attending an upcoming athletics & wellness event and would like to know more details.

2. You're looking for resources, support, and/or have any questions related to mental and physical well-being.

3. You want to talk anything dance-related, MSS, or have good course recommendations to boost the GPA.