Meet the Chief Returning Officer


Vin’s Current Favourite EP:

how can i pretend? by Wasia Project

Vin Jayasekara (he/him)

Nursing III |

About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Vin and I am your CRO for this year! It is my first time on MSS so I'm excited to get more involved in the MacSci community and get to know all of you! You're most likely to find near a body of water or in a forest somewhere but also in the Pulse! Something interesting about me is that I love walking to anywhere. Even if it's a couple hours away if I have time.


1. Improve engagement and election turnout.

2. Ensure elections are carried out fairly, maintaining integrity and equity.


1. Revise elections policies in collaboration with the internal team.

2. Ensure increased election turnout through advertising and promoting elections.

3. Streamline the sub-society election timeline.

Reasons to Contact Me

1. You would like to run an election for your sub-society.

2. You would like to ask any questions or discuss elections.

3. If you want to yap about paddling, surfing, or dragon boat!