Core Executives

Nomination forms for First Year Representative Elections are currently available and are being accepted in the MSS Office during regular office hours

Nomination forms must be handed in to the VP Internal prior to their respective All-Candidates meeting.

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The core executives consists of the President, 6 Vice Presidents, and 5 Year Representatives. Excluding the first year representatives, these positions are elected in early-February following a 3-day campaign. For a full role descriptions, please see the MSS Executive Policy. Brief overviews are provided below. For questions regarding elections, please email the VP Internal at

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Fill out a core executive nomination form with 10 signatures from full-time students within the Faculty of Science. Completed forms are due to the VP Internal, Sahil Karnani ( before 5:30 pm on Thursday, September 17th, 2020.

  1. Ensure that you have reviewed the election rules, and understand that all candidates must abide by these rules throughout the nomination, campaign, and election period.

  2. Attend the All Candidates Meeting on Friday, September 25th, 2020 at 6:30 pm in via Zoom. Pertinent information will be provided during this meeting. Link to the meeting will be provided prior to the meeting.

  3. Run a 4-day elections campaign from Sunday, September 27th, 2020 at 12:00 pm to Thursday, September 30th, 2019 at 7:00 pm. Stay tuned for results!

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Fill out a presidential nomination form with 10 signatures from full-time students within the Faculty of Science. electronic copies of nomination forms are due to the VP Internal ( before 5:30 pm on Sunday, February 7st, 2021.

  1. Ensure that you have reviewed the MSS Elections Policy, and understand that all candidates must abide by these rules throughout the nomination, campaign, and election period.

  2. Attend the All Candidates Meeting on Sunday, February 7th, 2021 at 6:30 pm on Zoom. Pertinent information will be provided during this meeting.

  3. Run a 3-day elections campaign from Monday, February 8th, 2021 at 12:00 pm to Wednesday, February 10th, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

  4. Stay tuned for results!

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Fill out a core executive nomination form with 10 signatures from full-time students within the Faculty of Science. Hard copies of nomination forms are due to the VP Internal ( before 5:30 pm on Monday, February 15th, 2021.

  1. Ensure that you have reviewed the MSS Elections Policy, and understand that all candidates must abide by these rules throughout the nomination, campaign, and election period.

  2. Attend the All Candidates Meeting on Monday, February 15th, 2021 at 6:30 pm on Zoom. Pertinent information will be provided during this meeting.

  3. Run a 3-day elections campaign from Monday, February 22nd, 2021 at 12:00 pm to Wednesday, February 24th, 2020 at 6:00 pm.

  4. Stay tuned for results!


Fill out a nomination form with 10 signatures from students within the faculty of science.

  1. Always abide by the election rules.

  2. Attend the elections meeting in late-January / early-February and hand in the nomination form. Pertinent information will be provided during this meeting.

  3. Run a 3-day elections campaign in early-February.

  4. Check the results! 

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The CEO and spokesperson for the MSS. They are responsible for overseeing all MSS operations, chair meetings, and oversee the doings of the 6 Vice Presidents.

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VP Internal

The right-hand-man to the President. They will oversee smooth operation of the MSS office, chair the elections committee, and communicate with sub-societies.

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VP External

The liaison between the MSS and the outside community. They are responsible for out-of-campus conferences attended by Science students and represnting the MSS on the OSSA council, SRA, and MSU. 

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VP Finance

The financial advisor for the MSS. They are responsible for planning the yearly budget, funding sub-societies, validating expenses, and managing MSS scholarships.

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VP Academic

The pedagogical scientist of the MSS. They are responsible for identifying and solving academic issues, chairing the Academic Affairs Committee, and coordinating guest speakers, events in conjunction with the SCCE, and open and closed forums.

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VP Communications

The promotions advisor for the MSS. They are responsible for overseeing the many communication mediums of the MSS including the website, social media platforms, photography, and posters. 

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VP Student Affairs

The event planner and advisor for the MSS. They are responsible for supervising events coordinated by the year representatives and other peripheral executives, including Formaldehyde, The Hunt, and the Science Musical.

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Year Representatives​ (5)

The year representatives consist of two first year representatives along with a single second, third, and fourth year representative. The first year representatives are elected in September during a separate election period. They are responsible for representing and advocating for their respective year's concerns in the MSS.