Meet the SciScope Coordinator


Julie’s Current Favourite Song:

How Many Drinks? - Miguel

Julie Mesha (she/her)

Honours Integrated Science II |

About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Julie and I am going into my second year of Honours Integrated Science. I'm super excited to be on the MSS team for the first time this year! I'm really looking forward to meeting Mac science students at MSS events and creating cool content. If you ever need to find me I'm most likely buying a coffee at MUSC or studying somewhere in Mills, definitely feel free to come say hi!! If you ever catch us filming a video around campus, come make your cameo :)


1. SciScope getting recognition! Really hoping students are excited to watch and share our videos.

2. Creating fun content that engages more than just Mac Sci students we are the largest faculty and have a lot to show for it!

3. Keeping students up to date so you don't miss a chance to attend events and meet new people.


1. Release at least one to two videos a month.

2. Highlight different MSS events such as formaldehyde and welcome week.

3. Gain a following on TikTok and experiment with new video styles.

Reasons to Contact Me

1. You would like to film a video promoting your event.

2. Cool idea for a video.

3. You love Frank Ocean.